Sunday, August 5, 2012

Been more than a decade, but I can't get enough of this old Indonesian's song.. So I decided to post it and share this good music on my blog. Made the translation although not so sure if it is the right meaning behind the song.. Hope you enjoy it. *And hope one day I get a chance to visit East Timor.* 

"Biarlah layar terkembang.. Ku ingin menyeberang melintas pulau dan lautan menjemput cintaku, belahan jiwa yang tertinggal di timor loro sae."

Menderu ombakmu menabuh pantai kala tatap matamu sapa jiwaku.
Membiru lautmu memeluk pasirkala harum nafasmu sebut namaku. 
Dua biduk t'lah berlabuh di satu dermaga cinta..

Januari di kota dili, kian hangat dalam ingatan.Nantikanlah aku kembalituk menjemput cintamu

Menguning bulanmu mengetuk malam dan mesra jemarimu belai sukmaku.
Membias bintangmu menghias nyiur dan hangatnya bibirmu kecup kalbuku.
Dua langit t'lah membaur di suatu cakrawala, dua biduk t'lah berlabuh di satu dermaga cinta..

Januari di kota dili tak terkira cinta bersemi. Januari lekas berganti dan terhempas cintaku.. 
Januari di kota dili kian hangat dalam ingatan nantikanlah aku kembali tuk menjemput cintamu

"Let's set the sail. I want to go cross the oceans and islands to see my soulmate that was left in East Timor."

The waves roared beating the shoreline as your eyes met my soul..
The blue ocean reached the sands as your breathe whispered my name.
Two boats were harbored at the love pier.

January in Dili.. Getting warmer in memories. Please wait for me to see my love..

The moon was yellow tapping the night and your fingers stroked my spirit.
The stars drifted decorating above the coconut trees as your warm lips kissed my mind. 
Two skies have blended into one horizon, two boats were harbored at the love pier.

January in Dili.. Never thought love was blooming. January switched too quickly and my love crashed..
January in Dili.. Getting warmer in memories. Please wait for me to have your love.. 



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